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I Like Dinosaurs

@triceratops4ever /

No Minors

Rare not my photos but I had to talk about this guy because they're one of the most interesting crickets I've seen.

Triaenogryllacris triaena

Is a kind of Gryllacrididae, also known as "Raspy crickets" or "Leaf roller crickets". These crickets are notable because they're one of the few Orthoptera that produce silk, they roll up leaves or debris and line the enclosure with silk produced from glands in their mouth to use as shelter. There are some species of Gryllacrididae native to the US, but this species in particular is found in Colombia. I don't know why he has a red dot on his forehead but that's their natural coloration!

Luis Miguel Constantino Chuaire (1980, uploaded 2022)

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the first recorded animal with an anti-Facial Recognition adaptation


truly the most american thing is Big Drink. more than late stage capitalism, more than an unparalleled cultural focus on individualism, more than 9/11 jokes

what binds all americans together culturally is Big Drink

and you might be saying "is this fat shaming" or "but mayor bloomberg outlawed Big Drink in nyc" or "gays are so annoying about their iced coffee" or some other dumb comment but no open your minds, Big Drink isn't just sugary or caffeinated beverages

every day i see one of you hydration bitches (affectionate) on the train with a water bottle so big a toddler could drown in it. that too is Big Drink. we literally invented a bigger beer can (tall boy) in wisconsin in the 60s in the service of Big Drink

anyway i never feel more american then when i have Big Drink in my hands


If you get a puppy at the standard time, around 9 or 10 weeks, it is YOUR responsibility to teach them this. As you are playing, anytime they bite even a little too hard, make a sharp noise like a yelp or a hissing intake of breath or even just “hey!” not angry, more like in pain, and immediately stop playing. If they try to continue to play turn your shoulder or back to them, ignore them until they stop and let you recover. Then you can go back to playing with them. You are showing them what it looks like when they bite too hard, and what is expected of them in that situation, which is to wait to be invited to play before reengaging. Not only does this train them to not bite too hard, it lets them calibrate to each person, dog, and situation.

Maybe one of your hands is hurt – having grown up learning bite inhibition this way, your dog will pick up that you are wincing or stopping to inspect your hand or making a noise and will adjust their bite force/play style. This is a key aspect of socialization, and will let your dog play well with other dogs, children, etc.


People don’t really talk about this much but you should also be trying to teach this to cats (for biting and clawing too hard).


It blows my mind how many people do not do this with their pet cats. People are so surprised at how my cats don’t hurt them when they play with them, no matter how excited they get.

Yes!! Teach your cats/kittens this! It’s exactly the same, and if you do it correctly your cats will only ever “play bite” (put their teeth on you but not bite down) if they bite at all, and might even learn to keep their claws sheathed while they play with you! (Madia does this)

It takes effort and sometimes months of work, but it is so, SO worth it!!

It takes effort and

sometimes months of work, but it

is so, SO worth it!!

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


get you a man who can do both


one of my patients came in for an emergency visit, because she snapped the wire on her retainer watching the movie when MBJ took his shirt off she clenched her teeth so fucking hard she snapped it. that is the fucking funniest shit ever to me this tiny 17 year old girl thirsting so goddamn hard she busted steel

Y'all, it gets better. She found out.



Such a developing story.

I love this story

This was a wild ride from start to finish

I know I say this a lot, But this is one of the best things on this website

Sophia is currently doing great in college, and I still get about one kid a month in the office who asked if this really happened.

I found it!! The original post!!


straight trans people arent "a waste" actually. straight trans women arent "cursed" with attraction to men. straight trans men arent "predators" who transition to male privilege. yall have GOT to be normal about straight trans people

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