Chop 💇♀️
I just noticed the contact fuckin rotated in my eye so it's not sitting properly but OH WELL I LOOKED HOT
I would've ate this tf up if the wig was better
Forever taking pictures in bathrooms that aren't mine
posting this before I stare at it too long and hate it
Where art thou? Why not uponeth me?
Why would I live in the real world?
Gets high 🤝 takes a million selfies
I bet we'd have really good bed chem ♡
"She's a fire sign,
And I don't really know what that means"
Yes I know my piercing is crooked but just focus on how cute I am
Hey bestiessss
just a sleepy gorl
Nobody likes you when you're 23 33
It my birthday 🤫
Have this charming little selfie from the other day while I'm v high