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🏳️‍⚧️ he/him || 20 || mixed latino 🇧🇴 audhd transformers + rvb enthusiast

"Trying without success is futile. Locus knows that if he doesn’t know anything else. It’s the one thing that stuck, and it’s simple. Be good at what you do, if you’re even going to give it a shot. It’s why he’s good at what he does. Why he’s a good mercenary, a good soldier. His English isn’t half-broken like when he was that crying kid. That kid is dead, has been for a while."


Or, a character study on Samuel Ortez and how he became Locus.


i could explain but no context is funnier

Did you paint them? If so what paint did you use? I have some master chief nendroids to turn into little gay box canyon boys

i didn't, my partner bought them for me from someone who does custom figs </3


hate how they forced bugs bunny into anti-weed propaganda in the 90s, as if bugs bunny wouldn’t love smoking weed 

To be perfectly fair, bugs bunny would also love taking money for starring in anti-weed propaganda and then using said money to buy weed


That thing about how cats think humans are big kittens is a myth, y’know.

It’s basically born of false assumptions; folks were trying to explain how a naturally solitary animal could form such complex social bonds with humans, and the explanation they settled on is “it’s a displaced parent/child bond”.

The trouble is, cats aren’t naturally solitary. We just assumed they were based on observations of European wildcats - but housecats aren’t descended from European wildcats. They’re descended from African wildcats, which are known to hunt in bonded pairs and family groupings, and that social tendency is even stronger in their domesticated relatives. The natural social unit of the housecat is a colony: a loose affiliation of cats centred around a shared territory held by alliance of dominant females, who raise all of the colony’s kittens communally.

It’s often remarked that dogs understand that humans are different, while cats just think humans are big, clumsy cats, and that’s totally true - but they regard us as adult colonymates, not as kittens, and all of their social behaviour toward us makes a lot more sense through that lens.

They like to cuddle because communal grooming is how cats bond with colonymates - it establishes a shared scent-identity for the colony and helps clean spots that they can’t easily reach on their own.

They bring us dead animals because cats transport surplus kills back to the colony’s shared territory for consumption by pregnant, nursing, or sick colonymates who can’t easily hunt on their own. Indeed, that’s why they kill so much more than they individually need - it’s not for fun, but to generate enough surplus kills to sustain the colony’s non-hunting members.

They’re okay with us messing with their kittens because communal parenting is the norm in a colony setting, and us being colonymates in their minds automatically makes us co-parents.

It’s even why many cats are so much more tolerant toward very small children, as long as those children are related to one of their regular humans: they can tell the difference between human adults and human “kittens”, and your kittens are their kittens.

Basically, you’re going to have a much easier time getting a handle on why your cat does why your cat does if you remember that the natural mode of social organisation for cats is not as isolated solitary hunters, but as a big communal catpile - and for that purpose, you count as a cat.


George, the Crochet Cyndaquil

This is my first pattern I've done that's not Woobles and it was actually really fun to put my new knowledge to work! I think he came out good, even if a little wonky. I kind of made some stuff up as I went along with certain aspects, especially the embroidering on the eyes and the back spots.


rewatched the last 2 episodes of S8 today for something stupid I’m making and my god

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