@transkovsky on Tumblr

soggy froggy

@transkovsky /

Sol • tumblr old • 29 • they/he

“I don’t want to die, I just don’t want to exist any more” sounds mild if you’ve never experienced it, but it is in fact a horrible, violent way to feel.


“Precisely because the norms that shape us do not just act on us once, but repeatedly over time, opportunities arise to derail their reproduction. That iterable process opens up possibilities of revision and refusal, which is why gender has a temporality of its own, and why we cannot understand gender well without understanding it as historically formed and revisable.

This view has implications for answering the question "Am I free or determined?" Simply put, we are never simply formed, nor are we ever unconditionally self-forming. This may be another way of saying not only that we live in historical time but also that it lives in us as the historicity of whatever gendered form we assume as human creatures.

We do not escape the early impress that enlivened our desire and made the adult world, including its gendered interpellations, enigmatic.”

- Who’s Afraid of Gender? by Judith Butler


i need to give judith butler endless carnal pleasures

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