Would you still need drains if you get peri top surgery? I thought this method didn't involve drains, then someone I follow posted about it with pictures of their results + drains
Kai says:
Drains help with reducing swelling and releasing fluid and blood - I do know that sometimes for peri surgeons use drains still, they just have a tiny incision on either side. It would be up to the surgeon though, some do some don’t
Lee says:
I had t-incision top surgery with drains, and I had the left drain removed at 6 days post-op and the right drain wasn’t removed until a few days later because too much fluid was still draining out. Drains aren’t always even; sometimes people will even get one drain on one side of their chest instead of two drains if one side of the chest is less or more likely to get a hematoma for some reason.
Definitely talk to your surgeon about whether or not they think you’ll need drains- you can’t always tell from other people’s “after” pictures what the situation was before. Sometimes drain use depends on pre-op chest size, but if you’re having double incision or peri-areolar then it’s likely that you will have drains.