If they change the laws of antisemtism I have a feeling I won't survive here.
I see those flags fly on cars, even on their hoods, peoples homes, and I already have had issues a few times of being followed to my car, and while in my car.
When being followed in a car by the way don't go home, just keep driving around aimlessly. Stay away from your neighborhood if you can.
If you are being followed by people in your car from a store, run into the store. Be safe. I am mad at the world so it's a do as I say not as I do right now about that.
If you don't notice you're being followed until you are on the road, pull into the first open business you see. Racist hatecrime types can and will box your car in with their buddies and run you off the road.
If you have phone access (eg you are a passenger), call your emergency services line. They will stay on the line with you and can guide you to an open business or safe place if you're in an unfamiliar area.
If you're white or pass for it, asking them to send the cops is a good idea in this very rare circumstance (usually cops make things worse, but car chases are an exception as they often have air support). If you're not white and don't pass, I suggest asking the emergency services to help you get EMTs or Firefighters instead.
Fire departments are common and staffed overnight in most places in North America, even rural ones.
If you call emergency services: Stay. On. The. Line. Even if you can't talk, leave the phone on and the call running so that the operator and anyone they are sending can keep track of ongoing events.
Absolutely DO NOT GO HOME.