Things I do in my spare time: Shrek the Musical
Alright. Let's listen to the beautiful song "I Know it's Today." One of my personal favourites. Alright. Let's decompose this a little bit.
Fiona says later in the show that she was 9 years old when her parents locked her away in a castle. She was locked away in the castle on December 24th. So, we'll assume that in the next 23 days until Young Fiona starts singing, that she stays that age.
So that would make the youngest Fiona 9 years old at Day 23, which would be January 16th.
Now, the next character is called "Teen Fiona." She is singing on Day 958. So, if you divide 958/365.242199, you'll get 2.622917074267204. Subtract 2 and multiply by 365.242199 you'll get 227.151601999999999999. We'll round it down to 227. So, the day is now August 8th.
ALRIGHT. Now, we have Princess Fiona, aka the beautiful Sutton Foster who sings on Day 8423. Divide that by 365.242199 and you'll get 23.06140972500278. So, Princess Fiona is 32 years old. Subtract 23 and multiply, blah blah blah and you get 22.429423. Round down to 22.
So, according to Shrek: The Musical, Princess Fiona was found by Shrek at 32 years old on January 15th.