"No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses."
~ Herman Melville
@tolackcolour / tolackcolour.tumblr.com
"No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses."
~ Herman Melville
Don’t try to tell me Arizona isn't beautiful.
blue skies smiling at me nothing but blue skies do I see blue days all of them gone nothing but blue skies from now on
-Ella Fitzgerald
A grassy hilltop overlooking sprawling green hills and fields and mountains is a great place to sit and read until you remember that grass turns your face into a war zone of snot and itchiness, and your body’s only defense strategy is a ceaseless firing of sneezes.
I love horses. And I love Elgin, AZ.
Greta the Great Grass Gobbler.
Papa trimming Walter.
Love you, goober. <3
Run for, run for those hills babe let go of the dark days. let go of the world
Make it all up as you dance along just like we all have done, for all of our lives
(Run For Those Hills, Babe // Tom Rosenthal)
Dropping our mother-daughter celtic folk album this fall, apparently.
Last month there was an enormous wildfire in Sonoita that left it covered in black charred earth....and then the rains came. Now its nothing but green, green, g r e e n as far as the eye can see. With no old grass to compete with all the new growth is sprouting up like a phoenix from the ashes, in shades of green so incredible they’re almost hard to look at. Nature knows what it’s doing.
It’s funny how some days or moments are preserved so wholly into my memory. And funnier still how its not always the days full of action or the moments most objectively memorable. Sometimes it’s the quiet memories, though they may not seem exceptionally noteworthy at the time, that stay with you the longest. A familiar horse’s steady gaze across an empty paddock, or a chilly walk in an unfamiliar place at sunset, watching as the landscape is bathed briefly in gold before it’s sent off into the dusty blues of dusk.
Arizona, you pretty thing.