Anonymous asked:
hiii do you have any Jack and Sally Mothers Day headcanons?? :) <3
!!!! This is so cute, I'll make some now! <3
- Jack and the Skellington Kids plan a whole day dedicated to Sally, where they make sure she takes it easy and shower her with gifts.
- Sally usually spends some time with the other Halloween Town mothers, to chat and catch up on things, but to also share their experiences with motherhood and their children.
- Jack makes Sally her favorite breakfast + dinner, and takes care of all the household chores + babysitting for the day.
- ^ He and Sally reflect on their family and how things have changed through the years, he expresses how great of a mother she is and ensures his wife is happy and not dealing with too much on her own.
- Jack has looked into national holidays such as Mother's Day, and discreetly includes some of them into the Town's celebrations, putting an emphasis on mothers and fathers during their celebrated days.
- Sally considers Jewel her new maternal figure after some years, and invites her over to have some tea and see the grandchildren.
- Since her family wants her to take it easy, Sally gets invested in a good book and takes the day to work on some personal sewing projects of hers.