Project Tango is such a brilliant way to attack the proble of teaching computers about the real literally showing computers the real world, rather than explaining it to them.
Black skull, by Justin Kane. 2010.
"The company had just assumed that dudes and dudes only would flock to the opportunity: the website calls for a “few brave men.” But Malaysia’s presumptive winner is Roshini “Rose” Muniam, whose #Rose4Space campaign, coordinated by Jaymee Goh, has galvanized international support. The picture above shows just how unprepared AXE was for a lady winner, and feels like a big, awesome middle finger to the company’s gendered expectations."
Astronaut Neil Armstrong on a one-day Gemini VIII mission in March of 1966, via the Boston Globe's The Big Picture: Remembering Apollo 11 (NASA/Space Frontiers/Getty Images).