girls teaching dog to bounce on mattress
Love it!
girls teaching dog to bounce on mattress
Love it!
Julia Carrie Wong on a standoff between residents and startup culture in San Francisco:
"To several of the city’s residents, some of the parks department’s new programs feel like a betrayal. …There’s no guarantee that the privatization of San Francisco’s other public parks and...
Martha Crawford, What a Shrink Thinks: “Enactment” (via psychotherapy)
Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. — “The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog” (via verthandi)
(1) President Abraham Lincoln, who had depression (2) Writer Virginia Woolf, who had bipolar disorder (3) Artist Vincent Van Gogh, who had bipolar disorder (4) Writer Sylvia Plath, who had depression (5) Mathematician John Nash (from A Brilliant Mind), who had schizophrenia
Inspired by this post
Thomas Bernhard (via mercurieux)
Instant perspective: How big the moon really is. Pair with these masterful visualizations illustrating the scale of the universe and this animated explanation of how we actually measure it.
My high school!
Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 5: A Game of You (via tobia)
Opposing Views brings some frightening (though obviously tongue-in-cheek) statistics about the future of America: more American lives have been claimed by gun fatalities involving American toddlers than terrorist attacks this year. In the past five months, a total of 11 people were killed by preschoolers with firearms compared to the four that perished in the Boston explosions — the only terrorist attack to occur this year. We can only hope the NSA will ramp up surveillance on children less than 5 years of age in order to counter this threat to national security.
Earth seen from Saturn
Wisdom from Ian Bogost’s commencement address at the University of Iowa, a fine addition to this ongoing archive of timeless advice. Pair with Greil Marcus’s fantastic 2013 School of Visual Arts commencement address.
(↬ austinkleon)