#coldflash – @tiger-in-the-flightdeck on Tumblr

The Soup Begins To Thicken

@tiger-in-the-flightdeck /

Call me Tiger! Asexual NB, They/Them, Disabled, Adult . Do Not Call Me Girl Ship Who You Want Create What You Enjoy 💕This is a trans safe space💕

Speaking of Barry being able to read Leonard Snart scarily well, imagine that Barry notices how Snart reacts to people Barry knows, and files that away in his opinions of that person

Barry is in the cortex with someone he finds kind of annoying but harmless, Snart walks in for Definitely-Not-Flirting-While-Doing-Business Reasons, and starts lowkey acting like this guy is an Immediate Threat that he's trying to act cool around to not set him off. And Barry immediately knocks like 5 points off of the "how much do i trust this guy" ranking. Subtly starts telling him less things, looks into what he's doing on the downlow, treats him as potentially suspicious And turns out... The guy does have bad intentions

Leonard comes in and meets some of Barry's new friends/coworkers, and clearly seems to mark one of them as more trustworthy/less of a threat than everyone else. And when Barry needs help or someone to confide in, he goes to that person over everyone else

Barry comes in to Saints and Sinners and sees a regular he's run into before, but hasn't seen interact with Snart. He thought the guy might be pretty cool. But today he walks into them talking, and Immediately sees that Snart is closed off, jumpy, does NOT like that guy in his space. And Barry immediately takes cues off of that, turns the guy down when he later asks to have drinks together next time Barry drops by Saints

If Snart seems unnerved by someone Barry knows, Barry trusts his instincts. Even if Leonard never says anything to Barry out loud, he still takes note of that. If Snart likes someone, or just thinks they're reliable, Barry will trust that instinct.

Even if Snart doesn't say his feelings out loud, Barry trusts him so innately that he will listen to Snart's instincts when it's clear he's feeling a type of way


Okay, I’m curious….  Has anybody else been thinking that other uhm ‘criminal elements’ in Central City eventually find out that Cold knows who the Flash is and try to pressure/beat/blackmail it out of him at some point or the other? *coughs* Not that he is in any way or shape helpless, but he IS only human after all and he has his weak spots (his sister? Mick?) so it’s not exactly impossible?  I’m not sure why I’m thinking about this right now, I just want for him and Barry to meet one time and for Len to be all bruised and battered and Barry to be like “OMG what happenend? óò” and Len is all “Just business, whatever, what do you want?” and maybe Barry lets it slide this time, except it keeps on happening and he eventually finds out (probably via Lisa??) that Len is actually protecting his secret identity even at the cost of his own safety and I just ……….???


the Justice League's identities all get publically leaked but before the dust has settled someone on twitter is like 'OMG i can't believe you guys are actually buying this obviously fake leak. look at this 'Billy Batson' person's birthday, he would only have been 11 years old when Captain Marvel started operating? how are you people so dumb'

immediately throws the whole thing into doubt. everyone going over the other ID information looking for other potential discrepancies. 'they expect us to believe Superman is some journalist called Clark Kent? they don't even look alike' and 'look at this Hal Jordan guy next to Green Lantern their facial structures aren't the same at all' and 'this Diana Prince woman has NO web presence, I don't think she's a real person'

'Bruce Wayne? c'monn how stupid do these peple think we are' etc etc

someone brings up that Wally West is clearly too young to have been operating as the Flash the entire time but then people from Central City are like no no that one might be legit, it's common knowledge locally that there's been more than one Flash.

this sparks the idea that perhaps the original Captain Marvel died or retired and was replaced with a new guy at some point. another whole group of people now scrutinising images of him trying to identify when the '''''switch'''' happened.

someone doing a deep local newspaper archive sweep turns up a photo of CC Batson accompanying a story abt his archaeology work, everyone agrees that Captain Marvel has his exact face, takes 0.2 seconds to join the dots that he officially died not long before Captain Marvel first appeared and Billy is his son. 2 Captain Marvels theory, previously dismissed as nonsense by most reasonable people, now looking very plausible.

whatever group leaked the identities absolutely steaming bcos their data is good damn it, everything in there is 100% factually correct and no-one is buying it ):<

Justice League and associates (initially sweating) now just pouring fuel on the fire. Oracle has made dozens of sockpuppet accounts to spread chaos and discord. official Flash account insisting that actually everyone is mistaken and he's definitely 100% been one guy this whole time. Lois Lane on twitter like 'do you guys think I wouldn't know if my husband was Superman'.

absolute pandemonium.

The Rogues are the only ones who don't weigh in on the argument about Wally possibly being the Flash because it is so much funnier to watch him and Barry have some sort of existential crisis about it because 'Hartley, my kids literally call you Uncle. Tell me you can tell the difference between me and Barry.' and 'Snart, have you just been flirting with me and Wally this whole time? Snart? Leonard!'

The exception to this is Mirror Master who isn't in on the joke and is getting increasingly distressed because 'What do you mean there's been more than one Flash???'


Snart was being controlled by his evil dad and Barry's first plan was "pretend to be Snart's boyfriend who is badly pretending to not be Snart's boyfriend, which will help Somehow"

Then the next time he goes undercover as a criminal it's like this

And I can just imagine all the low level flunkies being like 'Wow. Snart's widow is looking fine. Think it's too early to make a pass?'


Л: Любой дилетант может украсть бриллиант…

Б: Какого чёрта?! Лен! Это не смешно!! Выпусти меня отсюда!

Л: Но только настоящий вор может украсть нечто действительно ценное.



Well, shiet. My shipping heart can’t handle this kind of cuteness.

Btw, Len looks awesome here, the stare is so accurate.

L: Any amateur can steal a diamond …

B: What the hell ?! Len! It’s not funny!! Let me out of here!

L: But only a real thief can steal something really valuable.

B: LEEEN !!!

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