[The Flash: Rebirth #4]
Predatory stalker? Hot
@tiger-in-the-flightdeck / tiger-in-the-flightdeck.tumblr.com
[The Flash: Rebirth #4]
Predatory stalker? Hot
*paints nails* *immediately gets the urge to scratch everywhere*
Arrgh, my hair has grown to the length where it is curling straight into my eyes, but is still too short to hold back with a headband.
Female, blonde hair, blue eyes, short and a lil chubby, interested in history, art, animation, and gay detectives, will eat everything you bake
Ohh, we could go to some speciality shops to get some nice flours (get it??) in the morning, and we’d chat while I mix up a bread dough. While it’s proving and baking, we’d watch Great Mouse Detective.
Describe yourself on anon, and I’ll tell you if you’re my type.
Ahh, and now time for another rousing game of “I just had you in my hand ten seconds ago, where the fuck did you go?!” Today, the pliers are winning.