I have an ArtStation account.
I think I’m going to post of my current sketches and projects (and a few older sketches I found but never posted online) there instead of deviantArt. I love dA with all my heart, but something said I need to move on.
@thoughtnami / thoughtnami.tumblr.com
I have an ArtStation account.
I think I’m going to post of my current sketches and projects (and a few older sketches I found but never posted online) there instead of deviantArt. I love dA with all my heart, but something said I need to move on.
Beautiful, beautiful Goku and Gohan drawing by Sasha P. aka AnnouncerGuy on deviantArt. Her work (yes, Sasha's a woman), which ranges from One Piece and Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, is outstanding and gorgeous. So, check out her work.