i love london
i dont give a FUCK any more man this has gone TOO far i'm deleting ALL the exclamation points from my work emails. that's right. i hope you have a good weekend. and no more than that
Don't invest in polish babies named Jakub
This is what scrolling feels like when you do it right
i think we should be talking about the semi-recent advancements in cystic fibrosis treatment like all the time every day. there hasn’t been a drug like this since AZT medications for HIV infection it is truly fucking miraculous and very important
basically: cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease which makes the mucous a person generates extra sticky. it used to kill people in infancy, then with advancements in medical tech it killed people in young childhood, and until very recently cystic fibrosis patients could expect to live until about thirty years old with consistent painful lung infections and complications.
in 2019 the FDA approved a drug called trikafta (which is really three drugs in one) for cystic fibrosis treatment. what it essentially does is patch up the malfunctioning proteins that cause the extra sticky mucus. trikafta is effective on about 90% of cystic fibrosis patients.
people who had spent their entire lives in and out of hospitals, on and off of ventilators, suffering from pneumonia and sometimes treated through painful procedures like intubation took this drug, got out of bed, coughed up an entire lifetimes worth of mucus out of their lungs over the course of a few hours, breathed clearly for perhaps the first time in their lives, and now go on to live well into their seventies.
like isn’t that insane. isn’t that amazing. doesn’t that give you hope for the future of medical advancements and treatment. fuck. i think about it all the time……
From largest to smallest based mostly on length and height rather than just weight.
Lazarus is tall and long but he’s pretty lean. Though since moving in with me he’s developed a little belly. Kenny is also tall and long, but not quite as big as Lazarus. He’s also very skinny now due to his health issues.
Marty and Arasha were a tough call. Marty obviously weighs way more than Arasha does, but he’s not necessarily much taller or longer. But just because of the sheer size of him I’m biased towards saying he’s a bigger boy.
Bianca isn’t super tall but she’s pretty long. Her mom was the same way, a very long and lean cat. Though admittedly Bianca has quite the little belly on her.
Petunia is super, super short. She’s got stubby little legs and a short body. She’s also very portly despite me trying to diet her for years. Bessie is also a little pipsqueak of a cat. She’s not necessarily taller than Petunia but because she’s not so fat I think it makes her look less silly.
Arthur is just a little prince. He had to have little stubby legs to add to his silly boy charm. He looks silly standing next to the bigger cats. The only one he trumps in size is teeny tiny Bug.
Not pictured is Gracie, because she knew I was up to no good when I tried to coax her into letting me pick her up. She’s bigger than Bianca but not as tall as Arasha. But definitely heftier than Arasha is.
Your cats make some magnificent reaction image holy cow.
The veil is thick here..... I sense fuck all
open rp
“Feh.. It’s me, Inuyasha, the half-demon. I can defeat every demon who crosses my path. You think you can take me?”
Macklemore pointed to the door. “go away, Inuyasha” he mackled
String identified:
Closest match: Antiaris toxicaria isolate JCLG002 chromosome 6 Common name: Upas Tree
If you're a writer you're supposed to write a lot of bullshit. It's part of the gig. You have to write a lot of absolute garbage in order to get to the good bits. Every once in a while you'll be like "Oh, I wish I hadn't wasted all that time writing bullshit," but that's dumb. That's exactly the same as an Olympic runner being like "Oh, I wish I hadn't wasted all that time running all those practice laps"
“I know a place” and I take you to Lowe’s self check out to watch Saw (2004)
You get a Green Sawfish
Pristis zijsron
playing with my cerebral spinal fluid. #myfluid
he somehow makes Pangur look normal
i’ve been told by various european friends that the most american sentence i’ve ever said is “sophomore year of college, some friends and i road-tripped thirteen hours to florida for spring break.”
and now i can confidently say this is the most guy-who-lives-in-paris sentence i’ve ever said: “today i was cycling to meet a friend at buttes-chaumont and i went over some cobblestones and my baguette got launched out of the bike basket into the middle of the roundabout”
nevertheless, we ball
thereupon we ball
to sleep, perchance to ball