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Forever Bound Together, Eternal

@thoki4ever /

a thorloki // thoki blog shamelessly shipping from day one This blog is dedicated to all that is Thoki! (Thor/Loki) and all things related to this marvelous pairing, (including bromance & hatemance). I'll post quotes, caps, photos, gifs, actor related trivia, interviews, music, and more! Not exclusive to the movie, but also to the mythology, marvel comics, and fanstuff. Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, SteveTony, some occasional IronFrost, Marvel and DC Comics, Hiddlesworth, and Avengers shall also be added to the mix. :] CHECK THE DIRECTORY FOR FULL LISTING

Loki stabbing Thor in Avengers when Thor was trying to reason with him is a lot less dramatic when you consider the little shit has been stabbing Thor for funsies since they were kids.

It’s basically Loki’s version of panicking and calling his brother a stupidhead 

I appreciate Ragnarok for giving us this context

so either 

1. loki’s attack was even more lousy and rigged than initially thought and it shows and thor was still too dumb to realize despite this

2. thor realised loki wasn’t trying to take over and was faking the attack by being a minor annoyance at worst and he let him get thrown in prison anyways


Imagine if Loki was in Endgame like him just turning into Thanos and confusing the fuck out of Thanos’s army and giving orders that involve helping the Avengers?? There could’ve been a hilarious scene of a group of soldiers spotting Loki-Thanos and Thanos, and the two of them start bickering and trying to convince the army that they’re the real thanos?? We were ROBBED

Loki as Thanos: I’m getting coffee. Do you want anything?

Proxima: Wow, thanks! You know you’re a really considerate boss. Give me a latte. Double shot espresso with soy milk! I can’t have dairy.

Loki: Sure thing! [leaves]

Loki at the barista: Proxima wants a venti decaf latte with extra milk and whipped cream! Let the whipped cream settle before you cap it.

Thanos: *getting absolutely destroyed by wanda*

Thanos: FIRE !!

ebony: but sir! our troops!

Thanos: JUST DO IT!!

Loki as Thanos, pointing at Thanos: That’s actually Loki do NOT listen to him

Thor: *buries Stormbreaker in Thanos’ chest*

Loki as Thanos: you should have gone for

Loki *turning back to himself and pointing at real Thanos*: the guy over there


Katie McGrath,

would make

the perfect

Lady Loki






Also if the Loki show doesn’t have Lady Loki I’m gonna fucking riot


Let’s talk about how dusting Thor instead of killing off Loki would have made a bigger and less predictable impact.

I remember talking about that awhile back! I thought it would be interesting to put Loki in a new and terrifying position where he has to figure out how to earn the Avengers trust and trust them in return. Idk what the Russo’s have planned for Thor but I think that idea would be more exciting.

OH! Loki befriending Wong and bonding over how insufferable and arrogant Strange is! Haha! Maybe they work on some magic stuff together in hopes it could save everyone.

Clint seeing Loki again and ready to knock his teeth in but reluctantly stopping himself because he’s the best they got right now.

Loki making contact with Hela and making some shady af deal with her!!!

Loki finding Tony stranded and Tony still making smart ass comments even though he went out of his way to take him back to earth. Maybe Tony being like, “You’re insane but alright, I guess. I get why your brother was hesitant to help us the first time you came to New York.”



The Loki and Spiderman interactions, Loki being amused at Spiderman’s strategy for getting rid of Ebony Maw, Loki taunting Bruce trying to get the Hulk out, then flapping his arms like, “Well, I tried.”

Loki meeting Peter Quill who I am 100% certain he has heard about.

Just. This.

Oh, yes, this outcome would have  been so much better. Thor was absolutely dispensable during IW and Endgame. In IW he was just about a journey to get himself a new weapon and in Endgame technically he did nothing. I think the gaang would have defeated Thanos either way, with or without him.


Also, the writers admitted they didn’t know what to do with Thor, and that’s why CHs ‘humorous’ depression +weight gain story was chosen. 🙄

Literally anything would have been better than that! Tom could have been given a role completely devoid of lines and he would have made a better impression than that.

“Tom could have been given a role completely devoid of lines and he would have made a better impression than that.”

Please see EVERY SCENE where Tom had no lines as proof-positive of this fact. And honestly, this would’ve been FASCINATING.

AND they could’ve worked in a teaser of Jane as Thor.

AND it would’ve actually lead to Loki and Jane interaction. With Tony popping in because there is No Way that wouldn’t happen. And then Bruce, because Science Bros. (The tension alone in those scenes would’ve been a glorious to write and watch.)

There is like, no conceivable way this would not have been a far superior move. I’ll even let Thor pull a Loki and not really die or not stay dead, though I think that could be worked into Helheim.

Not to mention, how much better a fit Loki is for the Avengers. A master sorcerer (not some upstart who flashes magic about like a toy instead of a tool.); a godling of immense strength, power, resilience who has actual centuries of strategy and knowledge of worlds far beyond us; the fighting and sparring techniques of generations and species across the Realms; not to mention the amount of sass and chaos he’d bring to Fury’s life, which would impress likely ALL of the Avengers.

And for him to be welcomed (eventually, as I am sure it will be tumultuous at first)? And his skills and knowledge and magic appreciated? Do you have any IDEA how beneficial that would be for everyone?

And what it would say, both passively and actively, to those who have suffered in similar ways. To see a character struggle so hard, so often, and never receiving recognition for the good they have done, to FAIL? TO DIE? That is NOT good storytelling. There are so many websites and articles devoted with when, how, and where to use death property in writing … and when NOT to. Highly suggested reading. It’ll show you that hands-down, Loki’s “death” here was just asinine on many levels and absolutely shit writing.

It is not redemption; he doesn’t need redemption for acting in accordance to every Asgardian standard and then actively working against that indoctrination. His actions are absolutely on par with Odin and Thor, except with a far lesser body count (that sentence structure looks weird, but too tired to care). He needs a place where everything he is, good and not-so-good, are accepted. Because otherwise, you’ve fridged him.

Thor, this Thor, cannot even compare.


And could not agree more.

Not to mention that Loki would likely have to step up as Asgard’s king during the 5 year time-skip and he’d actually be a functional one so even if he didn’t survive Endgame there would’ve been people who at least remembered him in-universe as someone who fought on the side of good even if it was with a token ‘in the end’ attached 


Marvel: Bucky was mind controlled by HYDRA

The fandom: That means he didn’t mean to kill anyone, and while his actions can’t exactly be excused, this fact provides a lot of context. It’s not fair to punish someone for something they couldn’t stop.

Marvel: Loki was mind controlled by Thanos

The fandom:


here’s a twitter thread of charities related to colon cancer that you can donate to in honor of chadwick boseman (x)

here’s a suicide hotline for if any of you are in need of immediate support (x)

please take care of yourselves and your friends tonight everyone

more from twitter 

here’s a thread of black cancer fundraisers/research fundraising (x)

here’s a thread of fundraisers for black students of the arts (x)


be like Thor, be there to support your loved ones,accept who they are and celebrate them

BTW, this is all canon, Loki is canonically genderfluid and is referred to as a “both” or “neither” by others, even Odin:

i love one (1) genderfluid norse deity and one (1) support icon 

This has the same energy as “act like a lady.” “I’m a guy today” “then act like a gentleman”


Via my twitter. Mary Mallon and those around her might not have known asymptomatic carriers existed, but we do. Wash your hands, practice social distancing, and stay safe and responsible.

Serious question. How did she... spread typhoid fever over the span of several years? Like. Doesn't typhoid fever only last a couple weeks untreated? And have a very low re-occurrence rate?

@hannahloha Convalescent Carrier.

im remembering when the moyor of las vegas was arguing reopening all the businesses, and when typhoyd mary was brought up she thought that was actually a case in her favor that because asymptomatic carriers were a thing it meant everyone was safe.... just the level of not understanding is insane


Okay, so this is completely out of context for this blog, I know... but I want this information to reach as many people as possible so... here we go! Plug away

Reblog and share, if you will! And stay safe everyone!

Frigga: Loki, the future of Asgard rests solely on your shoulders since your brother has been banned and your father is sleeping. You must not fail.
Loki: Gee, thanks, I just love immense pressure and responsibility.
Loki: Like I have nothing else to worry about.
Loki: Like, I don't know, the fact I'm adopted! And am really of the species everyone says are nothing but monsters!
Loki, while walking away: But, yeah, sure. Just thrust this upon me while I'm in the middle of a crisis! Brilliant idea! What could possibly go wrong, right? "Nah, he'll be okay. We've only lied to him all his life. That's not that big of a deal. We took him in, without us he would've died. We've cared for him. His anger and feeling of betrayal is not justified. He's just being immature and dramatic. Let's give him the throne! That'll do him good! He'll be fine!" Truly a brilliant idea! Nothing bad could come out of this! "Loki will do fine! He doesn't need our help after just discovering that his entire life has been a lie! Yeah, let's leave him to his own devices! It'll work out fine!" Yeah of course it will! What could possibly go wrong?
Frigga: Oh boy...

@latent-thoughts you ought to see this!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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