thisisjustforfunval reblogged fywoozi Follow© MINT BREEZE || Do not crop or edit!#My child#(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)#Does he ever age#or not look super cute?#I think not#to either#So cute!#CUTENESS OVERLOAD!#Woozi
thisisjustforfunval reblogged worshiponew Follow #look at this handsome fella#and his cute ways#igtbameilhrn#Onew#JINKI!#The tip of his nose is so cute#have I ever mentioned that before?#I think not#well it is#*kisses nose*#Jinkstagram#Goodnight^^
thisisjustforfunval reblogged ravishingkpop dureowanni Follow ©#HELLO HANDSOME!#Oh so so so so handsome#Lay#Yixing#I love BW#RAWR!#Could he be anymore handsome?!#I think not#but I'm sure he'll find a way to prove me wrong
thisisjustforfunval reblogged jongtaekwoon Follow acts courageous only when Hyuk is asleep (ง •̀_•́)ง#I can hit you but I don't hit you!#I loved that part so much#You could hit him Ravi but can you run away fast enough?#I think not#He's too precious#VIXX#Ravi#Hyuk#HyukVi#I'm taking a break#I deserve one before moving to the next project
thisisjustforfunval reblogged fy-winner Follow xxjjjwww : #빼꼼 #센치해 #뮵촬영장Trans: #Peeking #Sentimental #MVFilmingSite#BAMBI!#Do you ever age?#I think not#Jinwoo