#the great outdoors – @thewhimsyturtle on Tumblr

the whimsy turtle

@thewhimsyturtle /

Kirby the tiny tortoise noms his way to adventure! Also on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! More detailed and crafty posts on Wordpress. More info here.

Mom says I was a bad boy today. While STOMPing outside, I found a delicious rock that just barely fit in my mouth and started swallowing it until Mom pried the rock out of my mouth and airlifted me back indoors. 🪨😋🐢😖

This is my completely not sorry face of no regrets. Sheesh, Mom, why are you so upset?! I'm the one who lost a perfectly scrumptious rock! 😤🐢


Happy first day of summer, season of sunny STOMPs, grassy GRUMPs, and sprinkler CHOMPs! ☀️💦👀😋🐢🤔

P.S. BIG NEWS: For the first time ever today, Mom caught me drinking!!! (Out of my water dish, not from this sprinkler.) I only took a handful of sips, so Mom didn't have time to grab her camera, but she saw me swallowing!!

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