I'm too tired to go over or under hump day. Can you carry me please?
Have you considered going under instead of over hump day?
What am I doing? Why aren't you asking my log what it's doing blocking my perfectly planned dirt tunnel?!
EXCUSE ME, I've been digging in this corner all day, where is my radicchio reward?!
Stop laughing, Mom! I can totally still fit under my baby log! I just don't feel like getting out of my hidey hut right now!
Tuesday after a long weekend = NOPE naps in the sun!
No matter how deep I dig, I still can't find where Mom is hiding my Christmas presents!?
I turned around and climbed out of my dirt hole enough that my front feet are higher than my back feet. This totally counts as getting out of bed! Now bring my breakfast over here to me!
Monday after Thanksgiving is for napping. Tell everything to go away until after New Year's!
Why is my plate so far away? Do you know how much effort I already spent getting up and emerging from this corner?! Bring my noms to me over here!
Who gave the weather permission to rain today?!
No stretches. Today I GRUMP!
Is that Grandmom at the door? Yes! I hear Grandmom's voice! And she's coming closer!
Up and over hump day: Faceplanting still counts! 😤🐢😎
What do you mean, we're out of noms until you go grocery shopping later?!?
Look, Mom! I made it over hump day without faceplanting and I kicked more dirt onto my plastic plants! Aren't you so proud of me?