New strategy for when my hidey hut ship hits my water dish: Flip and shove! ⛵️🐢
Hey! Why are you standing there taking photos instead of helping, Mom?! 📸😤
@thewhimsyturtle /
New strategy for when my hidey hut ship hits my water dish: Flip and shove! ⛵️🐢
Hey! Why are you standing there taking photos instead of helping, Mom?! 📸😤
Uh oh my hidey hut ship has turned into a rocking ship . . . .
There you are, Mom! My plate is empty, my hidey hut is flipped on its side, and my water dish is filled with mud! You're here to fix all this, right?
Captain Kirby reporting for Tall Tuesday from the top of my hidey hut ship!
Me, stuck? Of course not! Why would you think that?!
There you are, Mom! Hurry up and put my hidey hut back for me so I can flip it again!
Shello? Stop taking photos, Mom!
Me, explain this mess? You explain why I haven’t seen any radicchio in a week, Mom!
Mayday mayday mayday! My ship struck my water dish and got stuck! Abandon ship!
Time to go sailing in my hidey hut!
Uh oh, my hidey hut hit my water dish! What do I do now?!
My breakfast is late, so I am on a rampage!
I haven’t accidentally covered up my food plate, have I?
I flipped over my hidey hut, and now you want me to get up and Monday? NOPE.
Be like a tortoise. Flip the box, reach for the top, and never give up. 💪🐢😎
Captain Kirby reporting on today’s hidey hut sailing trip: Redecorating mission completed, but still no signs of noms or clean water anywhere on the horizon?!
Spring fever rampaging wouldn’t be complete without uprooting my plastic plants! In fact, I’m going to take a nap right here in my corner just to show those plastic plants who’s boss!
My spring fever is in overdrive! I have been running around like a maniac all week, and last night, I refused to go to sleep at all! My light turned off at my usual bedtime, but I just couldn’t sit still. I even kept rampaging in pitch darkness, after all the lights in my room were turned off, too! Eventually I flipped my hidey hut and GRUMPed myself to sleep like this.
Uh oh, Mom is calling me naughty. Plastic plants, you promised you would hide me when Mom came home so she wouldn’t blame me for the mess everywhere! Lies! You are the WORST, evil plastic plants!!
I flipped over my hidey hut because it’s Monday, but then Mom didn’t put it back for my GRUMP nap?! Do you see what you’ve made me do, Mom?!
Saturday sailing in my hidey hut!
I, Captain Kirby, command you take me to the yummiest of noms, hidey hut!
What? Me, sailing off unsupervised? Nope, totally not doing that, Mom!