Excuse me! My plate is empty, and my water dish is dirty! Why haven't you fixed this yet?!
MOM, I finally emerged from the depths of my hidey hut cavern, and the only radicchio you offer me is this measly scrap?!
Can you believe Mom made me climb all the way over my plastic plants to get to my breakfast?!?
MOM, I climbed onto my plastic plants and my breakfast is still too far away! Move my breakfast, Mom! 🥗😤🐢🍃
Clover leaves are nice, but what about clover flowers? You can go pick me a whole plate of clover flowers right now, right?
EXCUSE ME, you owe me second breakfast today for forgetting about National Pet Day yesterday! Yesterday's second breakfast doesn't count, that was an (excellent) accident!
Mom made me go on a bumpy ride after breakfast, so she apologized with lots of dandelion treats once I recovered. Then Mom forgot to tell Grandmom that I got my breakfast already, so Grandmom gave me a great big second breakfast—with even more bonus dandies! Best day ever!!
Bottomless Pit woes: Today I was still so hungry after second breakfast that I tried to CHOMP my plastic plants when I thought Mom wasn't looking! Every time Mom or Grandmom refilled my plate, I cleared it off immediately, even the smallest of crumbs! After my second dinner, I fell asleep on my empty plate waiting for more noms that never came.
Bottomless Pit is back! Mom stayed home today, and I begged and begged for more noms nonstop all day! Mom lost track of how many times she gave me more noms, almost double digits!
What do you mean, we're out of noms until you go grocery shopping later?!?
There you are, Mom! I've searched everywhere, even under my plate AND under my plastic plants, and I still can't find my radicchio! Where is it???
I threw half my noms off my plate and tipped over my hidey hut, but how do I flip over my water dish?
Grandmom found more dandelion flowers and red dandelion for me today! Grandmom is my favorite person ever!
Grandmom found late-blooming surprise dandies for me!! I love Grandmom!