#destructive troublemaker – @thewhimsyturtle on Tumblr

the whimsy turtle

@thewhimsyturtle /

Kirby the tiny tortoise noms his way to adventure! Also on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! More detailed and crafty posts on Wordpress. More info here.

Today was RAMPAGE day! I rampaged for more than 9 hours straight, starting before 8am this morning! I even flipped over my hidey hut mansion from Waffles @wafflesworld! I also cleaned off my plate like a bottomless pit!

I ran over to Mom as soon as she came in the door to GRUMP at her for being gone all day. Mom called my enclosure a "disaster", cleaned and tidied everything for me, and gave me three snacks because I kept begging for more! Mom said no more, so I rampaged even more while Mom ate her dinner!

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