Cold winter weekends are for lap tortoise snuggles with Mom!
Sundays in January are for armchair sweater snuggles with Mom to hide from the cold!
❄️ On the first day of winter, my mother gave to me A snuggle in a sweater! 🤗🐢
Excuse me! It's Sunday! Lap tortoise reporting for snuggle duty and snacks!
Stressed? Anxious? Lap tortoise is here for snuggles and GRUMPs! 🫶🤗😤🐢❤️
When Mom is sick, she stays home, which means more lap tortoise duty for me!
En garde! Saturday means lap tortoise duty, which means no one is allowed to take Mom's lap away from me!
Cold weekends are for curling up in Mom's lap with lots of snuggle skritches!
Mom, why is it still so cold in April?!? I demand towel snuggles until spring makes a proper appearance!
Mom's sweater is the best place to hide from the cold that still won't go away!
Let me out, Mom! I can feel the sunshine through the glass, I want to STOMP outside under the sun!
Monday after losing an hour requires extra dramatic GRUMP naps with skritches and cuddles from Mom. 😤😴🐢
No no, go that way, Mom taxi! I see something bright yellow like a dandie over there!
Don't let the grey winter rain get you down, lap tortoise is here to GRUMP away the gloom! ❄️☁️😤🐢🤗
Happy National Cuddle Up Day! Mom cuddles are always the best cuddles! Plus, Mom's knee is just the right size for me to hide from the cold!
Snuggle time with Mom in my favorite sweater is my favorite thi—wait, Mom, I spy something red over there, put me down!