Mom's second attempt at my Halloween costume was much rounder and fit perfectly on top of my shell!
Mom's first attempt at my Halloween costume wasn't round enough, but I still looked fabulous in it!
Halloween costume update: How am I supposed to CHOMP my costume when it's behind me?! 💖👀🐢😤
Costume fitting snapshots: This year’s shaggy blue yarn doesn’t hold its shape the same way as the yarn Mom usually uses for my costumes, so at first, Mom was worried my costume wouldn’t fit right. But this blue yarn unexpectedly is a bit stretchy, which means it snaps snugly over the edges of my shell to fit me perfectly!
It’s Halloween costume fitting time! Mom’s first attempt at my costume didn’t quite work, but her second try is looking much better! Can you guess what I am going to be?
Hint: Nomming is required as part of my costume!
Halloween costume fitting #2: Figuring out how much stuffing to put in the bottom half of my costume means I get to be Goldilocks. First Mom put in too little stuffing. Then she put in too much. The third try was just right! 👌🐢
It’s my first costume fitting for Halloween this year! Mom likes to tailor my costumes to exactly fit my shell, with the top half of my costume covering only my carapace so that I can still move my head and legs freely.
This year, Mom tried out a different stitch arrangement from what she’s usually done for my costumes. It doesn’t fit quite as perfectly as Mom’s old way of stitching did, but it still fits!
Halloween costume fitting #2 with Winnie the Pooh: Pooh says his costume has no bottom half. Someone get that bear some pants!
This will be our last costume progress post. Mom says showing anything else would ruin the surprise of what my costume is!
It’s Winnie the Pooh Day! To celebrate, here’s a look back at my Halloween costume fitting with Winnie the Pooh back in October!
Halloween costume fitting #2 with Winnie the Pooh: Pooh says his costume has no bottom half. Someone get that bear some pants!
This will be our last costume progress post. Mom says showing anything else would ruin the surprise of what my costume is!
Halloween costume fitting with Winnie the Pooh!
Mom likes to tailor my costumes to exactly fit my shell, so that they fit me as perfectly as Pooh’s hoodie fits him! Mom is also careful to have the top half of my costume cover only my carapace so that I can still move my head and legs freely. (Yes, this does mean my costume has a bottom half this year!)