Now that I have GRUMPed, STOMPed, and CHOMPed in my full costume, here are bonus progress photos that we couldn't share before without spoiling the surprise! 💛🧶🐲🐢🎃
Happy #TortoiseButtTuesday! Mom reshaped my Halloween costume to properly cover my ticklish bum! Success! 🙌🧶💛🐢🍑
On laundry day, I look as cute as possible so Mom doesn't take away my fluffy towel to wash!
I see you on the other side of this chair, Mom!
Weekends are for reconnaissance work for my plushie rescue mission: No one will suspect me under Mom's chair!
Online shopping makes Mom and me both GRUMP: Not only is Mom not paying attention to me, but also she is not buying me a bottomless radicchio subscription!?
No cranny stays unSTOMPed when Inspector Kirby is on the GRUMP!
Mom's second attempt at my Halloween costume was much rounder and fit perfectly on top of my shell!
Why is this chair not letting me pass?! FIX THIS, MOM!
Why are there no snacks hiding in my fluffy towel?
Happy Towel Day! Grab your froodiest towel and remember: DON’T PANIC.
I, Kirby the Explorer, have reached the Chair Gate! Which way should I STOMP from here?
Peekaboo! Stop working and look at how cute I am, Mom!
The sun is finally shining on my shell where it’s supposed to be, but who gave the weather permission to be too cold for me to go outside again?!
I hate bath time, but I like what comes after bath time: Sunny towel time on my favorite chair! Always with photos (obviously) and often with snacks! Including this time, right?
What’s on the other side of Mom’s chair? I, Kirby the Explorer, will find out!