Excuse me, you filled my plate, but I don't see any radicchio???
Can you believe Mom made me climb all the way over my plastic plants to get to my breakfast?!?
MOM, I climbed onto my plastic plants and my breakfast is still too far away! Move my breakfast, Mom! 🥗😤🐢🍃
Clover leaves are nice, but what about clover flowers? You can go pick me a whole plate of clover flowers right now, right?
You know breakfast is especially good when half of it ends up on your head!
Mom made me go on a bumpy ride after breakfast, so she apologized with lots of dandelion treats once I recovered. Then Mom forgot to tell Grandmom that I got my breakfast already, so Grandmom gave me a great big second breakfast—with even more bonus dandies! Best day ever!!
There's been a mistake with my breakfast order: Where's my radicchio?!?
Today was a good nomming day! I completely cleaned off my plate for the first time since my GRUMP tantrum on Sunday!
Excuse me, why is there no radicchio on my plate? Grandmom gave me radicchio yesterday!
Before and after breakfast is served: WHERE ARE MY NOMS . . . to . . . THESE ARE NOT THE NOMS I ASKED FOR.
Taking a moment to appreciate just how much better collard greens taste fresh from the grocery store!
It’s Halloween weekend! Where are my radicchio treats?!
Today, I refused to nom any of the greens Mom gave me, so Grandmom gave me an entire plate of radicchio! I CHOMPed that immediately!
For some reason, Mom was not pleased.
MOM, why is there no radicchio in my breakfast?!
Mom, I’m trying to enjoy my breakfast here. Can you stop going on about how cute and chonky my back leggie is?!