Exciting news: Today I graduated from the School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation at the University of Maryland—24 times! Including 9 master’s degrees, for a total of 26 degrees! Plus, I am even featured front and center on the school’s homepage and in their commencement announcement! 🎓🐢
The school’s communications office reached out to us a few weeks ago to ask if they could use my baby graduation photo for graduates without headshots. I am not a diamondback terrapin like the University of Maryland’s mascot Testudo, but I was more than happy to feature on the big virtual screen! 🌟
🎥 You can watch me graduate 24 times in their virtual commencement over here!
What?! MORE photos? MOOOOOM...
I shall demonstrate my doctorate degree: GRUMP GRUMP GIMME NOMS GRUMP! 😤