She is disappearead and/or dead before the beginning of the book, but she still is the character that everyone remember more and focus on. Even if it's debatable if she's the "actual" main character or not.
The narrator starts the story when she was about five or six years old. She was a "bad child". She is described as having an incredible charisma and a bad attitude since her childhood. She used to act like a spoiled queen even if no one really ever spoiled her. She can be incredibly petty and say means things to hurt others people when she herself is hurt, but she is also capable of feeling an intense and absolute attachment toward the people she loves. She has a childhood friend with whom she will have an almost codependent and often conflictual relationship for all her life. During their childhood, she was the dominant one in this relationship, and the other was the follower. Every boy who used to have a crush on her when she was a young girl will be either obsessed or in love with her for all his life.
She grows up in an abusive home. Her brother becomes an addict. She isn't her father's favourite child. She is perfectly aware of the perceptions that other people have of her and she uses this to her advantage. She can changes her personality according to the person she has in front, but she always maintains a very strong presence. She can be extremely charming but also extremely dislakeable. She can be selfish but without always realizing it.
She marries a man in her teens because she wants to escape her family's life and for economic reason. The choice to marry is her own but she is pressured to do so by external factors and a lack of alternative. The desire to becomes rich, not only for her own but also for helping someone else, is a big factor in her accepting the proposal. She becomes unhappy in the marriage. Her childhood's friend goes to another city and makes a good fortune outside the place in which they grew up. She, on the other hand, will never go outside the place where she is born. It's a difficult place who is not be "pretty" in the eyes of foreigners, but it's almost a character in itself in the novel. She in some ways is treated by the narrative as a living personification of this place. After her death/disappeareance, it's seem that the place have either eaten her or made her a part of itself.
She has a daughter who inhereted all her formidables traits but not her flaws. She will never see this daughter grows up. This daughter is important from a narrative prespective, and she's frequentely described by the narrator as a flawless and perfect little girl. The narrator feels some sort of maternal feelings for said daughter despite not being related to her by blood. The little girl's father adores his daughter too. He probably love the character about whom I am talking about more than how much she loves him- even if it's not correct to say that she doesn't love him at all, because she likes him and she obviously cares about him, but their relationship is based on the fact that he adores her and she finds him not only likeable but also useful.
During her pregnancy, she has a moment in which she seems to lose control of herself and she tell to the narrator a confusing monologue that the narrator interpreted as the prove that she had lost her mind, but maybe they are the proves that she, and only she, is capable of recognizing the depth and the complexity of the situation more than all the others characters- like the prophets in ancient myths that can sees and tell the truth only in their apparent madness.
She has always had a mystical aurea around her, something that makes people obsessed, repulsed or charmed by her. This is even more evident now that she is not here anymore, because it's not really clear if she's in the realm of the dead, or still in ours world, in some places or forms. Her childhood's friend is 100% sure that she is still around in some way. Either half of the book or the narration in itself is a desperate call for her to makes an appareance.
At the end, she may gives a sign of her presence- but it's a sign that doesn't answer to any question, but makes all the situation even more misterious.
Am I speaking about Lila Cerullo of My Brilliant Friend or about the most famous and iconic female character of Wuthering Heights?