The Indianapolis Star, Indiana, March 18, 1926
I mean... +5 points to @umbrafishies for bringing up one of my pandemic special interests, but the mfkng Chemical Warfare Society ran a lobbying campaign with millionaires and the US Senate to create a peace-time industry for chlorine and boyoboy did they have a good few years with it.
Washington Post, Wednesday, May 21, 1924
New York Herald Tribune. Wednesday, May 21, 1924
New York Herald Tribune. Thursday, May 22, 1924
Hell, within a week of that headline, the NYC Health Commissioner established therapeutic Chlorine gas chambers on E.116th street (The Red Cross White House)
The publicity was good enough for patent applications. Here's from the Official US Patent Office Gazette VOLUME 334 MAY 1925.
Chlorine Kilacold Bomb! Mm mm mmhhh....