Genre help: Writing Smut
Anonymous asked you:
Can you provide some tips for writing good smut?
So, when I saw this in the inbox I got REALLY excited. I was hoping to make a smut-related post at some point in the future, and now, here we are.
This is round #2 because EVERYTHING somehow got deleted :(.
Anyway, smut is generally defined as erotic writing or art. HOWEVER, this is NOT an excuse for you to write an erotic novel as poorly as Fifty Shades of Grey. (And I will stand by that to my grave. Smut is not poor writing; poor writing is poor writing.)
If you are still unsure of what smut is, you can probably walk into the magazine isle of your local grocery or drug store and find some sitting on the shelves.
Since I’m writing this for the second time, I’m going to cut to the links. Smut is all about description and not making your reader feel awkward. Is your reader hot and bothered by your writing? Do they want to read more?
So here are some links I scavenged for you that are guidelines/tips from others that I found to be helpful and informative.
I really hope this helps. All the same links are here that I posted when I originally posted this. Let me know if you are confused/need help with anything!
I get asked this a lot because of all the smut I write; here’s some great tips!