Bridal Veil Falls, Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada. (Video shows a waterfall from a low angle) #bridalveilfalls #waterfalls #manitoulinisland #waterfall #manitoulin (at Bridal Veil Falls (Manitoulin Island))
The view from Make-Believe Island's Lookout on a windy day. (Video shows the panning view of waves crashing over rocky shoreline on Manitoulin Island) #Manitoulin #waves #lake #lakes #manitoulinisland #lakeview #shoreline #windy #windyday #lookout #lookoutpoint #makebelieveisland (at Manitoulin Island)
High Falls on Manitoulin Island. (Video shows a waterfall with a rock outcropping) #highfalls #highfallsmanitoulin #manitoulinisland #manitoulin #waterfall #waterfalls #video #waterfallview #waterfallvideo #waterfallvideos #waterfalling (at Manitoulin Island)
7 Photos from my hike with my parents to Make-Believe Island on Manitoulin Island. The last photo is the region map. (Photos show: a small wooden Fae house at the foot of a tree, a wooden bridge surrounded by lush green forest, a fresh animal skeleton, on the dirt, a long wooden path made of weather-worn, horizontal slats and surrounded by green woods, the shoreline with rough waves, the sculpted wooden guardian of an interesting wooden bridge, and the Bowerman Trails Map) #bowermantrails #manitoulin #manitoulinisland #trail #trails #faehouse #bridge #bridges #forest #forests #makebelieve #makebelieveisland #magical #hike #hikes #walk #walks (at Manitoulin Island)
Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada. (Images show beach, lake, shoreline, and surrounding forests) #gorebay #gorebayontario #ontario #manitoulinisland #manitoulin #canada #lake #beach #lookout #shoreline #forest #lakes #beaches #forests #lookouts #shores #shorelines #landscapes #waterscapes #panorama #panoramas #panoramashot #panoramastupendo (at Gore Bay, Ontario)
Bridal Veil Falls, Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada. (Video shows a waterfall from a higher angle) #bridalveilfalls #waterfalls #manitoulinisland #waterfall (at Bridal Veil Falls (Manitoulin Island))
My current view: Lake Huron this morning. (Image shows the rocky shore of Lake Huron with clear water and a horizon in the distance) #lakehuron #manitoulin #lake #lakes #manitoulinisland #shore #water #lakewater #shoreline #clearlakewater #horizon #blueskies #bluesky #sunnyday #sunnydays (at Manitoulin Island)
"Travel in good spirits". The ferry from Tobermory to South Baymouth, Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada. (Image shows a huge white ferry pulling up to a dock. The phrase "Travel in good spirits" is printed on the side.) #ferry #ferries #manitoulin #manitoulinisland #ontario #southbaymouth #travel #ferrytravel #goodspirits #travelingoodspirits (at Manitoulin Island)