thesunflowersqueen reblogged
The Second Annual Gremma Appreciation Week Continues!
Day 6 of 8
We have had some amazing things presented so far, and have lots more in store! Here’s a few quick tips for your enjoyment:
- Track the official tag. Everything in the tag will be posted here, but watch out for things from shippers there!
- Find specific things under the tags page: fics, art, vids, etc! Masterlists will be arranged and formatted after the week ends.
- If you submitted something and want to know what day/time it will appear, feel free to message me!
- Show your support by reblogging, commenting, liking, and messaging the people that worked on these fantastic pieces for this week!
- Multi-shippers! If I find that one of the pieces submitted is not multi-shipper friendly, I will tag a “MULTISHIPPER WARNING” then the appropriate anti tags. (example: #MULTISHIPPER WARNING #anti-regina)
- ~Remember: you can submit or post up until MIDNIGHT PST 7/19/2015 to be included on the masterlists~
- More questions? Check the FAQ or feel free to ask!
- Have fun and share the love!