Gabriel Arkles sharing light & brilliance as usual. If you haven't read it yet I STRONGLY recommend you read his article, Prisons As A Tool For Reproductive Oppression: Cross-Movement Strategies For Gender Justice immediately.
Did the RJ movement forget that some women use Viagra just like some men access abortions? Because when it comes to Ohio's Viagra bill the ongoing excitement and celebration casually endorses a genitals = gender analysis as well as more regulations for women accessing healthcare, not less.
It happens to be that those women are trans women, which its taken a really long time for the RJ movements to acknowledge in the first place.
I would love to witness a full stop when it comes to equating genitals with gender. Can we have a more complex understanding of how misogynist regulations like access to birth control regulate a lot of people's lives of various genders? Can we understand that legislation like the Ohio Viagra bill would actually introduce more restrictions into women's lives that are already really regulated? Come on Reproductive Justice Movement, we can do better.
some suggested reading: