"I'm full of love, and nobody wants it."
That quote made me realize some things tonight. I am so full of love, I'm overflowing. I can hardly sit still I'm so full. I want to pour it on everyone I pass and everything I see. And really, there is nothing wrong with that. It's fulfilling and it makes me happy to just BE love. But I think I'm craving a companion lately. I'm no where near lonely. I'm pleasantly alone. I think it's just lovely to be able to give someone what they deserve. As much as I want to find someone to give it to, I also don't feel the need to rush it at all. If people keep coming and going and aren't willing to open up to what I have then why should I try to give it to them? It just isn't right for either of us. And that's okay, because that just means that the right person will come at the right time. No need to rush it, no need to waste it. It is what it is. Everything comes when it's supposed to. I am just so very excited for the next person I get to be with. I've finally gotten time to fall in love with myself, and now I get to fall in love with someone else and share so much with. You'd think that quote would be sad, but it actually makes me really happy because eventually someone will want it and it will be perfect. (: