#pride month – @thesoftboiledegg on Tumblr

Believe in me, because I don't believe in anything

@thesoftboiledegg /

32, she/her

🌈 Happy Pride Month to:

  • A pansexual autistic girl dad who's in love with his best male friend
  • A bisexual woman in a poly relationship with her clone and husband
  • A bisexual man who likes male alien parasites and mermen
  • A bisexual teenager who's boy AND girl crazy
  • Morty...
  • ...and whatever he had going on with Bruce Chutback.
The idea that lesbians are somehow more likely to be anti-trans is yet another lesbophobic trope that we’re forced to deal with and dismantle.
That’s why I’m so glad that we finally have the research to demonstrate what most lesbians already knew: this narrative is completely false.
New research by Just Like Us has found that lesbians are the most likely of the whole LGBTQ+ community to be supportive of trans people. Lesbians are the most likely to say they know a trans person (92%), and also the most likely to say they are “supportive” or “very supportive” of trans people (96%). That’s compared to 89% of LGBTQ+ people overall, and just 69% of non-LGBTQ+ people.
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