#jerry is a lame-o – @thesoftboiledegg on Tumblr

Believe in me, because I don't believe in anything

@thesoftboiledegg /

32, she/her

Space Beth is such a great inversion of the "female space badass" trope. She could've been a generic tough chick who disappears from the series and shows up every other season for plot-heavy episodes, but she chose to come back and make memories with her family.

I mean, this is someone who lives a thrilling, adrenaline-packed life as a space rebel, but she's happy taking her family to the zoo and joining them for Earth holidays.

However, the series doesn't take it too far and make Space Beth "mature" by settling down with some guy and becoming a smothered housewife. Instead, regular Beth provides this contrast, and Space Beth frequently argues with her about it (not that being a housewife is bad, but I hate the trope of "She was so wild and crazy until she 'grew up' by marrying a boring guy and popping out as many kids as he wanted!")

Neither of them realizes it, but Space Beth takes after her father in a positive way: they both returned to their families. Beth also takes after him in a different way--he's a #GirlDad while she's a #GirlMom.

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