This is Asher. Asher’s mom Meagan Richter Nash thinks her 15-month-old son would be the perfect child model.
After all, he has the chubby cheeks, the bright blue eyes and the winning, contagious smile.
So over the summer, she responded to a local online modeling agency open call for a Carter’s ad.
An agent emailed her back saying they wouldn’t be submitting his photos, “because the criteria didn't specify they were looking for a baby with special needs.”
It turns out, the agency just assumed that Carter's, wouldn't want a child with special needs in their ads.
Nash took to Facebook to fight for Asher’s right to be a model.
His photos have been shared more than 125,000 times.
"It's important to feature people with special needs in advertisement for three reasons. The first reason is inclusion," Nash said.
And according to Nash, OshKosh B’Gosh has officially heard her call.
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