Guys, please don't park here. David Tennant gets confused very easily.
Fiddler’s Inn, Seattle by Curtis Cronn on Flickr.
This is in Seattle? Why aren't I there right now?
I love my job. Credit to Ryan Court for the brilliance.
Don’t tell me what to do, sign.
New Orleans. Photo by Nathan Johnson.
Please note all the awesome signs. My favorite is "We buy anything that doesn't eat." The Best Secondhand Store in The World Denver, CO 2011
The Oriental Mart in Pike Place Market. I don't recall exactly when I took this, but no more recently than 2006, I would guess. Sadly, they no longer have squeeze toys on display in front, and thus this sign is lost.
WTF, Mac Store? Seattle, WA. 2007.
Ryan and I encountered this on our walk yesterday evening. Not sure what confuses me more: why anyone would feel strongly about blossom-touching, or the lack of any blossoms present to be touched.
Can someone please photoshop Mayim Bialik into this picture?
(via chasingcoolness)
If you guys start seeing this around Seattle, you'll know who to blame.
(via juliasegal)
You have been warned.
Ballard, Seattle. 2009.
I love this charmingly detailed sign drawn on a piece of cardboard. From Seattle's Chinatown, September 2009.
Yeah, I don't like Brussels Sprouts either. (Taken at Pike Place Market, Seattle, sometime in the last six months.)