is there any hope democracy in the us can survive
yes. it might be muzzled or look wounded for a while, but it’ll survive. just like we will.
Do not surrender. Do not give up. Freedom can and will prevail.
do not take a passive role. don’t sit by your window watching it happen and wishing it didn’t. we all have a lot of things we can do to protect our national and personal freedoms, now is not the time to get caught in our fears and sit on our hands.
Remember 75 million people voted for Harris. That's THIRTY SEVEN TIMES the size of the entire US military - one of the biggest militaries in the word - which only has only about 2 million people in it. That more than all the most powerful militaries in the world put together. That's a LOT of people. Plus there were people who would have voted for Harris if they could but couldn't due to being too young or not being citizens yet etc.
MAGA and their allies want us to feel alone and afraid and powerless so that we just give up and don't use the power we have. But we are not alone. They are tens of millions of us. If we work together and have each other's backs we can build a bright future that will wash away this darkness.
Each one of us has a little bit of power. And together we have a lot of power. Everyone, in every walk of life, in every role, needs to use whatever power they have to say no to fascism. Even tiny actions when taken together are powerful.
Do not lose hope. Do not comply in advance. Do not give in to fear or to despair.
We are not alone. We will help each other. We will outlast this.
#start paying more attention to local politics -- those are the people who directly impact your life! via @sick-sad-little-world
And remember. Your racist MAGA neighbor is voting in local elections. So you better do the same. Or consider running yourself. Every office is important - school boards, local county government roles etc.