"I wish I met you sooner", dorlen or whoever you want, I challenge u to make it under 300! 8D
Challenge accepted >:D
“An interesting thought, amatus. You know few wouldagree, yes?”
“I know. But they’re wrong.”
Dorian chuckled, shaking his head at Varlen, who was ridingrather smugly beside him as though the beaten leather saddle was a throne hehad claimed by birthright.
“So, and feel free to correct me if I am mistaken, they are wrong for believing it is wrong to be… wrong?”
A boyish smile spread across Varlen’s face, and he shone it acrossat Dorian. “That’s right! And you know what the best part is? That’s okay.” He nodded sagely to himself, asthough he had just imparted profound knowledge on the world, and the world wasfar better for it. “Nothing wrong with being wrong. That’s just life, isn’t it?”
Turning his gaze skyward, Dorian pondered the matter for amoment, drinking in the glimpses of blue that snuck between the mottled canopy.“Is that so?” he mused distractedly. Aninteresting prospect, in a sense… although a tad impractical.
“Yep.” Varlen’s certainty was admirable. Enviable. Dorian only wished he had everfelt such certainty about anything in his entire life.
Snorting lightly, leaves trickling down from above, Dorianshifted in his saddle and cringed at the stiffness of his back and thighs. “Sotell me, then… what is so right aboutbeing wrong?”
“That’s easy. It means there’s room.”
Varlen turned to him and grinned. “To do better next time!”The grin faded into something more somber as his gaze returned to the roadahead. “Too many people think that being wrong is the worst thing that canhappen. But it just… isn’t. There’s noshame in admitting it when it happens.”
Dorian blinked, then a fond smile gently lifted the cornerof his mouth.
“Oh amatus… I wishI’d met you sooner.”