“Become comfortable with who you are. Completely and unconditionally. If anyone is around you constantly, it is yourself. Let this company be one to treasure.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
@thepowerwithin / thepowerwithin.tumblr.com
“Become comfortable with who you are. Completely and unconditionally. If anyone is around you constantly, it is yourself. Let this company be one to treasure.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
You are worth it. Stop. Say it as many times as you need to.
“Be yourself. No, not the person that everyone expects you to be. No, not the one that you are pressured into being. But your TRUE self. Only you know who this individual is, so meet them, greet them, and stay close to them.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
“Become comfortable with who you are. Completely and unconditionally. If anyone is around you constantly, it is yourself. Let this company be one to treasure.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
Regardless of what anyone else thinks; you are your own self. Your body was born to turn out a specific way, naturally, and you must allow it to do its own thing. There is no ‘perfect’ body. There is only a body, which is beautiful in its own right. You only have the one that you’re currently living in, remember that. Try to respect it and take care of it, for its amazing and is your sacred temple! It doesn’t matter what others think; your health is FAR more important than getting satisfaction from others. -Nicole Addison
“Be yourself. No, not the person that everyone expects you to be. No, not the one that you are pressured into being. But your TRUE self. Only you know who this individual is, so meet them, greet them, and stay close to them.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
You are worth it. Stop. Say it as many times as you need to.
“Be yourself. No, not the person that everyone expects you to be. No, not the one that you are pressured into being. But your TRUE self. Only you know who this individual is, so meet them, greet them, and stay close to them.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
“Staying true to yourself is not about staying the same. It’s not about making a goal to be the exact individual whom you were since day one. Staying true means expressing what you think, feel, and value; regardless of when in your life it arises. You may not be the exact same person who you used to be, however that’s completely natural. You have simply grown and deepened your self image since then.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
Mark Twain
Anaïs Nin
Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone experiences drawbacks. Everyone makes wrong decisions from time to time. So, try not to be so hard on yourself, and allow yourself to grow from the experience.
Regardless of what anyone else thinks; you are your own self. Your body was born to turn out a specific way, naturally, and you must allow it to do its own thing. There is no ‘perfect’ body. There is only a body, which is beautiful in its own right. You only have the one that you’re currently living in, remember that. Try to respect it and take care of it, for its amazing and is your sacred temple! It doesn’t matter what others think; your health is FAR more important than getting satisfaction from others. -Nicole Addison
Muriel Strode
Author Unknown
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin