Quick fact. Ready? Consuming your Branch Chain Amino Acids prior to, during, or after a workout helps to delay fatigue and promote recovery. How? For one, they aid with glycogen synthesis in muscles, which prevents one of the major causes of fatigue. Secondly, BCAAs compete with the amino acid tryptophan during absorption, thus, less serotonin is produced. Serotonin often makes one feel a bit sluggish when exercising, so the less there is during a workout, the better!
Quick fact. Ready? Beta Alanine is an amino acid often included in pre workout formulas, and is a large component of what gives someone a 'muscle pump' prior to a workout. This can be described as a tingly sensation in one's arms and legs as the Beta Alanine travels from the blood into muscle tissues.
Quick fact. Ready? The 'burn' that you feel during an intense workout is the build up of lactic acid in your muscles. That exact same lactic acid is actually the preferred energy source to be used by your heart. Lactic acid may be uncomfortable, but is certainly not the bad guy!
Quick fact. Ready? Exercise suppresses appetite immediately afterward, however increases it later on in the day. Oh exercise, you truly are amazing.
Quick fact. Ready? Our body naturally produces digestive enzymes to break down the food that we eat. However, excessive stress, caffeine, alcohol, or illness can result in a decrease in the creation of these enzymes. So be mindful, take care of your body, and your body will take care of you.
Quick fact. Ready? There are two different forms are strength that can be developed; absolute strength and elastic strength. Absolute strength involves lifting 80-100% of your 1 rep max, with physical hypertrophy of the muscle. Elastic strength focuses more on speed and explosive power, which lifting at 70-80% of 1 rep max.
Quick fact. Ready? Too much acidity with in the body can result in an array of physiological malfunctions, including things like decreased muscle synthesis, increased muscle loss, decreased immunity, elevated cortisol levels, and decreased athletic performance. These are only a couple of reasons why it's so important to stay away from overly acidic foods, emotions, and lifestyle choices.
Quick fact. Ready? Hypertrophy of a muscle involves the actual increase in contractile proteins. This results in increased muscle strength. However, this takes about 6-8 months of continuous training to develop, where as neuromuscular connections improve much sooner, with in 4-6 months.
Quick fact. Ready? Creatine can help improve high intensity performance (strength, power, speed) by up to 5-10%
Quick fact. Ready? Milk decreases the absorption rate of protein. If you’re looking to build muscle in particular, try to avoid consuming milk with your post protein shake. Instead, opt for mixing it with water or cold pressed juice.
'Being active' does not mean you have to be a 300 pound body builder, triathlon runner, or highly competitive bikini model. You don't necessarily have to run, lift, play tennis, football, soccer, or do plyometrics. 'Being active' simply means doing what you enjoy doing; what ever that may be. If you don't enjoy strength training, then you don't have to do it! If swimming is more your thing, then go for it! Do what feels right, and have fun with your physical fitness!
Quick fact. Ready? The amount of force that a muscle is able to produce during contraction depends on the length in which the muscle is contracting at. Muscles that are too short or too long are unable to produce as much force.
Quick fact. Ready? Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a measure of the balance between one's Sympathetic and Parasympathetic signals to the heart. High HRV is healthy, and indicates that the body is readily able to react to external stimuli.
Quick fact. Ready? The Psoas Major Test is a clinical method of checking for any inflammation of the Abdominal organs. Testing positive involves pain during extension of the hip, which then resides during flexion. This is strange, for the pain of the organs is transferred to the near by hip extenders.
Quick fact. Ready? Doing an upper body workout raises one's blood pressure more so than a lower body workout. This is due to the decreasing radius of the vessels themselves as you move into the upper extremities.
Quick fact. Ready? One's level of breathing during exercise is not determined as much by the amount of oxygen required, but by the amount of carbon dioxide produced.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin