Quick fact. Ready? Larger muscle groups, like the wonderful Gluteus Maximus, have thousands more motor units than smaller muscle groups, such as the muscles controlling eye movement. This contributes to how we are able to produce such astounding force with the contraction of our glutes. It's amazing really, how our bodies are designed.
Quick fact. Ready? Sufficient antioxidants are so important for one's health, especially because of their protection against damaging oxidation in the body. Oxidation causes damage to cellular structures. This leads to inflammation and cellular malfunctioning. And an accumulation of cellular malfunctioning? That can lead to a multitude of chronic diseases like cancer, CVD, and osteoporosis. Get enough antioxidants, friend. Take care of your body and every single cell that it houses.
Quick fact. Ready? One should notice performance improvements even within the first week after beginning aerobic/endurance training. Training affects occur fairly quickly. However, detraining occurs just as quickly with such aerobic activities.
Quick fact. Ready? Exercise suppresses appetite immediately afterward, however increases it later on in the day. Oh exercise, you truly are amazing.
Quick fact. Ready? Brown fat is a special kind of fat that contains active enzymes that actually BURN energy. These metabolic fat burners are entirely different than the enzymes found in the more commonly known white fat, which do the exact opposite by storing more energy and adipose tissue in the body.
Quick fact. Ready? Dark skinned people need to spend roughly twice as long in direct sun exposure in order to produce the same amount of Vitamin D as those who are light skinned.
Quick fact. Ready? When drinking fluid, we end up swallowing up to 3x the actual amount, but in air. This is one of the major causes of gassiness. None the less, always remember to stay hydrated! After all, 80% of you is composed of water.
Quick fact. Ready? Vasopressin, also known as Antidiuretic hormone, helps with the retention of fluid and regulation of electrolyte levels in the body. It can also function as a potent nootropic that helps with cognitive functioning.
Quick fact. Ready? Consuming enough dietary protein is important for maintaining the proper connections between neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and acetyl choline.
Quick fact. Ready? Your heart beating is actually the pressure and sound generated by the valves between your heart chambers opening and closing.
Quick fact. Ready? A baby girl is born with roughly 8 million ova; only about 400 of them mature to get released.
In all aspects of life, the body and mind are constantly adapting. Our muscles become stronger with continuous contractions. Our minds become more resilient against reoccurring stressors. Our immune system learns to react faster to incoming bacteria. Humans are astounding, really. We are so completely flexible towards improvement, not only physically, but mentally as well.
Quick fact. Ready? Different muscle groups through out the body have natural variation in what muscle fibre type that they are mainly composed of.
Quick fact. Ready? Are you aware of your small intestine? This guy has a vast blood supply from many tiny vessels known as Arcades. When fat accumulates around the organs, known as visceral fat, it puts pressure on all of this blood supply to the gut organs, as well as their proper functioning. This is why visceral fat should be closely monitored.
Quick fact. Ready? Why bend your knees before jumping? This simple concentric contraction allows for storage of mechanical energy, and thus improves the force production for the following eccentric jump.
Quick fact. Ready? After having half of the motor nerves removed from a muscle, the remaining motor nerves have been seen to respond by 'sprouting' larger, and innervating a larger portion of that muscle's fibres.
Quick fact. Ready? 80% of a parasympathetic (AKA the Relaxation response) comes from a single nerve that originates in the brain and travels all the way down to your abdomen.