Quick fact. Ready? We each have two adrenal glands, one positioned roughly on top of each kidney. They both perform the same function, however one is shaped more like a triangle, while the other is shaped more like a crescent.
Quick fact. Ready? Cordyceps. Sounds like a strange enough name for a fungus, doesn't it? Well that's not all. This fungus forms by growing on the back of a caterpillar! It grows to be able 6 inches long before eating its host caterpillar by engulfing it. Now THATS pretty crazy.
Quick fact. Ready? Melatonin is a hormone in charge of regulating one's circadian rhythm. It is produced naturally by the pineal gland as night time approaches, but this secretion can be disrupted by too much light exposure during the evening hours. What kind of light? Blue light in particular. This is often given off by electronics such as cell phones, tablets, and televisions.
Quick fact. Ready? It's easier for blood to return back to our heart while we're lying down than it is when we're standing up.
Quick fact. Ready? Clove oil has been shown to have one of the highest antioxidant scores out there. It supposedly has even higher amounts than when combining other natural plant oils together!
Quick fact. Ready? Feeling attracted to someone is the result of a certain portion of our brain within the prefrontal cortex. This is the front part of our brain right above our eyes.
Quick fact. Ready? The length of the human GI tract is much similar to those of herbivores, while carnivorous animals tend to have a much shorter colon.
Quick fact. Ready? Plant sources that have been sprouted are naturally higher in vitamin and mineral content. For instance, some plant based proteins include sprouted brown rice or sprouted quinoa to name a few.
Quick fact. Ready? It takes about 21 days for one to become adjusted to a new habit or to develop a greater tolerance to a new food.
Quick fact. Ready? Betaine is a very important compound that acts as a methyl donor in the body. Simply put, it is required for the production of the amino acid methionine, which in turn is essential for all protein translation. Every. Single. Protein. Imagine that. Our entire body is either made of or functions due to the actions of proteins. What would we possibly do without betaine and methionine?
Quick fact. Ready? Foods with the highest sources of probiotics include honey, greens, dairy, and fermented vegetables.
Quick fact. Ready? Intense exercise often depletes the body of many valuable electrolytes and minerals. Because of this, it's recommended for one to drink an electrolyte replenishing beverage during, or immediately following a workout. This helps to upkeep many bodily processes including proper muscle contraction, energy production, and fluid balance within cells.
Quick fact. Ready? Adequate fibre intake is extremely important for optimal gastrointestinal health. When ingested, fibre helps to eliminate toxins from the body by binding to them for elimination, and also helps to scrape against the walls of the intestines, thus cleaning this of any debris.
Quick fact. Ready? The human body consists of about 10 gallons of water, give or take a couple depending on body size. Either way, imagine how much water that is. Isn't it astounding?
Quick fact. Ready? In the past, oil of oregano has been used to help treat coughs, digestive upset, allergies, and reduce tension. Not only can it be used as a curative in the kitchen, but it can be mixed with other oils in aromatherapy.
There is a compound in cruciferous vegetables that, when consumed in exacted form, helped to regulate healthy estrogen metabolism and reduce levels of 'bad' estrogen in those with an over abundance.
Ginkgo Biloba is a natural herbal extract that has many key benefits including increasing blood flow to the brain, improving short and long term memory, and improving cardiovascular health. Ginko, you're truly awesome.