Quick fact. Ready? Excess glucose molecules are stored in plants in the form of starch. For the most part, these remain in the plant once they are harvested, and consumed once we eat them.
Quick fact. Ready? People tend to have stronger cravings for carbs while experiencing stress. Why? Because carb consumption increases the amount of serotonin produced in the brain, thus improving mood and giving a sense of relaxation.
Quick fact. Ready? Vitamins are more complex in chemical structure than minerals are. Also, it is far easier for vitamins, especially the water soluble B and C vitamins, to escape from foods through rough handling, washing, or high temperatures.
Quick fact. Ready? The digestion of protein does not begin until it passes the mouth, esophagus, and reaches the stomach. Why? Because the protein digesting enzymes only become activated by the stomach's highly acidic pH levels.
Quick fact. Ready? Parsley, cinnamon, cloves, and anise have all been shown to help temporarily improve bad breath! Now THATS pretty amazing!
Quick fact. Ready? Have you ever had raw egg whites? If so, it may not be the best way to go over a long period of time. Avidin, a compound that exists in raw egg whites, binds to the B vitamin Biotin within our bodies, making it inactive. Biotin is required for many important biological processes like nerve cell transmission and healthy cell functioning. Thus, it may be a better idea to cook your egg whites (depending on your beliefs) prior to consumption, for this deactivates the Avidin and prevents a Biotin deficiency! There are also many other plant based protein sources that exist that are just as bioavailable as egg white protein. These include things like hemp, brown rice, and pea protein.
Quick fact. Ready? Spicy foods aren't actually perceived as a taste by our body, but instead work by activating the pain receptors in our mouths. This sends a signal up to our brain that we are feeling pain. Over time, one develops a tolerance towards spicy foods, in which the pain receptors become activated to a lesser extent.
Quick fact. Ready? When it comes to cinnamon, there are two kinds; Cassia and Ceylon. Both or these contain a toxic substance known as coumarin, which puts strain on the liver. However, Ceylon cinnamon contains far less of it, and for this reason it's considered somewhat safer to consume if taken a lot.
Quick fact. Ready? The FDA currently has around 2,000 substances approved to be used as artificial preservatives in foods.
Quick fact. Ready? The food born illness often referred to as 'Staph' is almost always present on our hands and faces in some amounts. Thus, when preparing food, one should try to avoid touching their face!
Quick fact. Ready? Every food we consume is either an acid or a base when it comes to changing the ph in our bodies. Some foods that we consume may increase the acidity of our body all too easily. In order to help prevent this, try adding an extra serving of vegetables to every meal, for vegetables are amazing with alkalinizing and detoxifying the body.
Quick fact. Ready? Giving your body an adequate supply of healthy fats, known as essential fatty acids, aids when prompting the body to release its own fat storages to burn as fuel. This is why healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, avocados, and seeds, should not be feared, for they often assist in weight loss, not cause it.
Quick fact. Ready? Water soluble vitamins, like B6, B12, and C to name a few, are essential for our bodies. Many fruits and veggies are high in these, but be careful when preparing these foods, for the vitamins can easily be lost through heat or water. Hence, they are the water soluble vitamins.
Quick fact. Ready? When we wake up in the morning, our bodies are in a fasted state. Our bodies, after have been deprived, require an immediate high quality source of protein first thing in the morning; whether it's an egg omelette, some turkey bacon, or a meal replacement shake. Just make sure that you're giving your body those amino acids that it needs!
Quick fact. Ready? It takes about 2 weeks to reset one's pallet towards a certain food. If you hate, let's say Brussel sprouts, try having them everyday for the next two weeks, and then see how you feel.
Quick fact. Ready? Including Apple Cider Vinegar into a high carb meal has been shown to reduce the total amount of calories that one needs to consume prior to feeling satisfied. Thus, this amazing fermented sugar helps to regulate one's appetite and keep one satisfied.
Quick fact. Ready? Continuously including the exact same source of protein in your diet may result in your body developing a tolerance to it, due to a constant amino acid profile. There are 22 amino acids that our body requires, which can only be met through multiple sources. Try to incorporate a variety of protein sources into your diet in order to keep your body happy, healthy, and strong!