Anonymous asked:
Hello, Nathan! I was looking through your blog and I have a few questions about spiritual or psychic abilities. Is there any way to make yourself more sensitive to energies or is it just natural? I'm sorry if it sounds dumb, I would just... I'm not sure, love to be able to sense the Gods better or just know? And I know it comes with practice, but sometimes I wish I was just more intuitive. Thanks <33
It's not a dumb question at all! It's something that comes up a lot more often than you'd think and it's normal to want to sense the gods that you're working with.
There are plenty of ways to make yourself more sensitive to spiritual energy and there are also ways you can notice the gods better.
First let's talk about becoming more sensitive to energy:
While some people are born a bit more sensitive to energy than others, you can definitely learn to become more sensitive to energy over time. Every single person has the ability to develop their own psychic senses and when you work with the gods, over time, you'll find yourself becoming a lot more intuitively sensitive as well.
Try to identify what you're looking for:
You can't practice becoming aware of something you have never become aware of because you won't know what to look for.
Fortunately, to a more external extent, you have felt energy before and so the easiest way to do that is to practice sensing kinetic and heat energy because these are the most obvious ones that affect us physically.
This is important because spiritual energy is oftentimes a lot more subtle but with practice you'll be able to sense it as well.
Sensing kinetic energy:
Clap your hands five times and pay very close attention to the sensation you feel on your palms after you stopped clapping.
Wait until it disappears completely.
See how subtle the sensation gets before you stop feeling it.
Clap your hands again, this time for a bit longer and close your eyes and pay attention to your palms and again, see how subtle the energy gets before you stop feeling it completely.
The reason why you might want to do this is because the subtle energy you feel in your palms is a lot like the energy one feels on the rest of their skin when interacting with energy.
Practice this exercise right before meditation so you know what you're looking for.
Heat energy:
If you have access to something warm like a heater or if it's hot where you are, I encourage you to get close to the heater or open a window to feel the outdoor heat.
Warning: please be sure to stay a very safe distance away! You're trying to barely feel the warmth, avoid the actual heat!
Put your hand close enough to barely feel the heat but far enough that you're still safe from massive heat exposure.
Get as far as you can but close enough that you barely start to actually feel the heat.
This is important because sometimes gods (like Ares) will interact with you via sending subtle warmth that's subtle enough to miss but easy to catch when you know what to look for.
You can also do this right before meditation so you know what you're looking for.
When you sit or lay still, become aware of your body and focus on any energy you feel around your skin.
This is the part where you put your kinetic and heat sensing abilities to practice by seeing if you can sense what you felt earlier.
Pay close attention to the vibration around your skin.
It might feel like a very faint tingle or type of buzz/vibration, like the very subtle aspects of when you finished clapping or even a type of warmth like when you got a tiny bit close to the object that gave off heat.
At first you might not notice it at all, and that's okay. This is normal for someone who is just starting out but the more you practice, the more you'll start to sense it.
As for sensing the gods:
Here is a (LINK) that has all the possible ways that the gods can communicate with us. Obviously there can be other ways aside from the ones described there but by starting there, you can get in the habit of becoming aware of these possible god moments which in turn will make you more sensitive to the gods over time.
I hope this helps!