She is the exalted possessor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Goddess conjugates prey (gentleman) into prayer.
Mahādevī lies in the throes of unbearable, soul-ripping intimacy.
The Earth-clad womban lulls the Red Sea.
She feeds him the iron wine of the Dark Moon, and he becomes Her property. As soon as he consumes Her soul manna/matter, She takes possession of him. The blood covenant is adamantine.
Mother God dwells in the temple of the sacred black heart.
Unless you eat my body and drink my blood, there is no life in you.
has God forsaken america?
Goddess does not forsake Her creations. In the ever-fecund womb-tomb of death, Goddess reclaims all. Government is an illusion.
Man’s most fundamental need is to satisfy/gratify womban. Her exaltation is the core/cuore need of man. She is the lifeblood of his guts.
We love you ❤️ Shakti bless. The Scorpio season is allowing us to drown in Her sacred mysteries.
May Maa douse you with blood-hot blessings. 🖤
Goddess requires sacrificial blood, for She is made of ritual slaughter.
Womban is the living incarnation of gentleman’s kismet.
God is in the midst of Her. The Fortress of Yoni is the immovable Queendom of God. The Christ wears Her merciful countenance on his scourged back. Mater Dolorosa, ora pro nobis.
Goddess incarnate asserts Her femaleness. She is the obdurate grace of a stranglehold.
The body of womban is the temple of the living God.
Space clothes Her naked shrine of red valor. She stands on the lacerated heart of Mahādeva. Her laugh is the belladonna flesh/flash of ultra-violence.
The meaning of life is the Holy Trinity of Ovary, Sex, and Sacrifice.