So I've been reading some stuff by Beauvoir and it got me thinking about the themes I've been seeing in anarchist culture lately. Its all about revolution, ACAB, bringing down the bourgeois, etc, as per the norm, but a lot of it seems downright hostile. Yes, we need to destroy the system. Yes, most cops are fucking assholes. Yes, the division of wealth and the amount of control the top few percent have is fucking sickening. However, let's try to keep in mind the ultimate goal of anarchy, or at least the way I see it, it is. Peaceful autonomy. Comrades helping out comrades, coexisting peacefully, free to create and share and build a better world without the oppression of the state. Sure, a violent revolution is probably what it will take to achieve this, but when you talk about establishing a militia to defend "the revolution," when you talk about killing any and all cops without knowing anything about them, when you say we should burn down the homes of the wealthy with them inside, then you're not talking anarchy anymore. You've turned the means to the end into an ending itself, creating a revolutionary dogma to get lost in. Two of the people who have meant a fuck-ton to me in life, who I have seen impact the community in an incredibly positive way were a cop and a soldier. Do they deserve to die simply because of their chosen profession? Who made you or me the judge and hangman anyway? Anarchy isn't about destroying and hating anybody who is better off than you. There will be people better off than you regardless of whether we have a state or not, that's just how the world works. The way I see it, anarchy is going to minimize the amount that someone down in the dumps suffers compared to those who are doing well because the people will be instilled with the ideals to help their fellow man. Those who are fortunate enough to have accumulated material wealth through scavenging, inventing, farming, craftsmanship, selling goods, etc, will not hoard it in excess, but freely share it with the people around them. The idea of private property will be destroyed. If something can be put to use, it will. Instead of a huge office building sitting half-empty, the homeless will be able to move into parts of it, sharing the space. Instead of keeping a full bag of flour in your cupboard while your neighbor scrounges to buy some, they will just ask you and, hey, you're not baking anything, so they're free to use it. No, I'm not saying you have to give up your computer and shoes to the first person who asks for them, but don't be petty about what you claim as personal property. PERSONAL property is for the sake of regular use by the owner, not PRIVATE for the sake of keeping others out. Anarchy is about the autonomy to pursue your interests without the state telling you how to go about it. Anarchy is about sharing with everyone. In order to freely share, anarchy is also about accepting others, regardless of faith, race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, etc. Anarchy is about respecting the ideas and requests of others. Anarchy is not about killing cops and burning down fancy buildings. That's just part of the revolution that will facilitate anarchy. Don't fucking forget it. One last note, the ideas I've expressed here are just that, ideas. I'm not laying down a set of rules, I'm just making some points that I believe to be correct/ important. Most of all, anarchy is about logical, utilitarian, freedom. I'm not saying my ideas are always meant to be followed %100 exact every time. That would make them dogma just as much as the ideas I mentioned about revolution. I suppose in conclusion, what I'm really trying to say is use your fucking head and keep peace and freedom in mind.
Anarchy para todos!!!