#stormlight archive – @themetalhiro on Tumblr


@themetalhiro /

Hello. :] @themetalhiro everywhere else. 💖 FAQ | ART TAG: #metalhiro arts TALK TAG: #chatter
Anonymous asked:

if i may ask, what got you to start reading stormlight? and is stormlight the first cosmere series you’ve read?

It's my partner's favorite series and he's been recommending it to me for years! I resisted because I was stubborn with my apathy towards fantasy as a genre, but finally broke down after he infected all our friends and they also started recommending it. Now I can admit I was stupid u_u

Anonymous asked:

Spoiler free recommendation for Stormlight: you should read Warbreaker before Book 3.

Honestly should read it before book 2 but I didn't catch you in time

Ohhh interesting I didn’t catch this! I suppose it isn’t too late to do so? I’m about 8 chapters into book 3

I DID read Edgedancer between 2 and 3, which was the biggest recommendation I received.

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I just want to ask if you are going through a reread of the storm light archive or reading them for the first time??

(Just for curiosity btw)

It’s my first time reading them! I just started book 3 today- so I would be most appreciative if you kept my inbox spoiler free owo

Anonymous asked:

1 of my irls thought the stormlight characters were your new OCs.

how does it feel to have invented sormlight

It's been great. Shakadolin is canon and I'm adding guns in book 6 so get excited for that!

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