Easy there, little one. You’ll be talking through the window of a bacta tank.
THE MANDALORIAN (2019–) 2.08 • "The Rescue"
@themandaloriandaily / themandaloriandaily.tumblr.com
Easy there, little one. You’ll be talking through the window of a bacta tank.
THE MANDALORIAN (2019–) 2.08 • "The Rescue"
#the most dad moment ever!!!
"Look, pal, I’m sure you call the shots where you come from, but around here I’m the one who tells folks what to do."
#Din's body language for "you're on very thin ice, buddy"
#the moment of realisation THE MANDALORIAN | CHAPTER 3 (The Sin)
THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 1: "The Mandalorian"
Your cousing Jabba is dead. His cowardly Majordomo usurped his territory and then I killed him. All that is his belongs to me now.
THE MANDALORIAN (2019–) 2.07 • "The Believer"
Zen - Grogu and Dust Bunnies | 禅 グローグーとマックロクロスケ — Lucasfilm x Studio Ghibli
THE MANDALORIAN 2.05 "Chapter 13: The Jedi"